Introducing Nyan Heroes to LFG - A flagship AAA shooter on Solana

Gmeow Space Catdets!

Nyan Heroes is a AAA team-based competitive shooter featuring CATS PILOTING GIANT MECHS. We launching soon and are ready for an epic catastic IP crossover with Jupiter LFG!

Nyan Heroes Introduction

Nyan Heroes is a one-of-a-kind product, featuring a truly unique IP inspired by cats. It has been developed over the past 2 years by a team of AAA industry veterans. Our vision is to create a flagship web3 game, built with heart and soul, to redefine industry standards and to lead the way towards mass adoption in web3 gaming through Solana.

We look forward to meeting the JUP DAO and sharing more information as we push forward with our ambitious goals to become the top shooter in web3 and a first mover in AAA gaming on Solana.

Our immediate roadmap:

  • Q1 2024: Community building, airdrop campaign underway, private alpha access to gaming communities and content creators, funding round (complete), early access launch March 26th via Epic Games
  • Q2 2024: Token launch

Notable milestones reached:

  • 400k+ registered users in 6 days post campaign start
  • 220k+ unique active wallets
  • Multiple reviews from gaming communities as the “best shooter in web3”
  • Esports style tournament successfully held between 16 teams
  • Currently the 9th most wishlisted game on Epic Games - the only web3 title on the list


The studio is backed by some of the biggest VCs in web3 including Mechanism, Delphi, Shima, DeFiance, Sfermion, Jump, Merit Circle and YGG. We are supported by notable angels and advisors including Thomas Vu (Riot Games), Kevin Lin (Twitch), Piers Kicks (Delphi), Alex Svanevik (Nansen), Pentoshi, SolBigBrain, Dingaling and many more.


The studio is led by former directors from EA, Bungie and Wargaming with a track record of shipping successful titles including Halo, Destiny, Mass Effect, Assassin’s Creed and more.

The CEO is Max, a media entepreneur and Creative Director who has worked in the creative industry for over 8 years with brands like Netflix, Google, Samsung. He has built and scaled multiple companies in the past, serving communities of over 30M worldwide.
Max Fu - Nyan Heroes | LinkedIn

Niles is the Design Director with 20+ years of experience having served as a director at Bungie. He’s shipped multiple titles in the Halo and Destiny franchises.

Gideon is the Technical Director with 12+ years of experience in gameplay and networking. He was previously at Ubisoft and THQ, though most recently was a director at Bioware where he oversaw the technical production of Mass Effect.
Gideon Gyabaah - Nyan Heroes | LinkedIn

John is the Development Director and an industry veteran with 20+ years of experience in development and production. Whether a director or studio head, he has overseen development of some of the largest live service games in the world at Wargaming and with Microsoft Flight Simulator.
John Walsh - Asobo Studio | LinkedIn


Discord: Nyan Heroes
Game Trailer:


As someone who has played the game in private alpha, the gameplay itself is fun. As they said in their post, I can agree that it’s the best shooter in web3 right now. Game has a lot of room to grow and excited to see what comes next.

I’d like to know more about what the token will be used for (in game items, cosmetics, competition rewards etc)? Why does it need one?


Appreciate the feedback! Thanks for participating in our closed testing and glad you enjoyed your time!

I guess NEED is a pretty strong word. Games have been fine without tokens for a long time. But we do feel that tokens have a strong use case in a few areas

Traditionally games have 2 stakeholders, players and developers. There is a lack of fundamental incentive alignment because developers want more money for less work, and players want more quality for less money. These are at odds and the system is a zero-sum game where a player’s spend is 100% the developer’s gain.

In web3, a tokenized economy allows incentive alignment across all stakeholders including game devs, investors and players. Everyone is incentivized to see the network expand and as long as economies are sustainbly designed from the ground up, everyone who has a piece of the pie wins via a positive-sum game. Game devs are incentivized to create better experiences for players who in turn also stand to benefit from adding mindshare to the collective network.

Another point in favor of token economies is expanding this concept into the UGC space, where typically UGC has traditionally been monetized by social platforms like twitch/youtube and much less so in-game (though Roblox is a good example of the opposite). By creating UGC or experiences in-game, content creators can be more transparently rewarded for their contributions by the community who are deriving value from these experiences.

Thanks for the question!


Hey there!

Thanks for bringing Nyan Heroes into the spotlight. It sounds like a blast with its unique twist on competitive shooters, not to mention the appeal of cats in mechs—definitely something fresh in the gaming scene! The AAA pedigree of the team and the ambitious roadmap add even more excitement.

I’ve got a few questions to better understand the project, especially considering its integration with web3 and plans for the future:

Epic Games & Crypto Games: How has Epic Games approached the inclusion of Nyan Heroes, given its web3 roots? It’s interesting to see a crypto game launch on such a mainstream platform. Are there any specific considerations or adjustments you’ve had to make?

Steam or Other Platforms: Is there a plan or possibility to launch Nyan Heroes on Steam or any other gaming platforms? I’m curious about your strategy for platform diversification and how it aligns with the game’s web3 aspects.

Early Access Launch: Could you elaborate on the early access launch slated for March 26th? Will access be available to everyone, or are there limitations? How can interested gamers participate or secure their spot?

Tokenomics & Token Utility: Lastly, I’m keen to hear more about the token launch planned for Q2 2024. Can you provide insights into the tokenomics and how the token will be utilized within the game? It would be great to understand the value proposition for players and investors alike.

Really looking forward to seeing how Nyan Heroes evolves and shakes up the web3 gaming space. The support from notable backers and the expertise within your team suggests a promising journey ahead!



I’m also curious if holding tokens allows gamers to vote or be involved in the evolution of game changes. That has been an issue for a long time with centralized gaming companies. I can think of one example specifically which is Apex Legends. I was a huge fan of the game, but EA and the Devs started making poor decisions around game play and regurgitating cosmetic items for a money grab more than for improvement of the gaming experience. I’m interested to know if the Nyan Heroes project will address these issues. If that element is not included I don’t see the difference between this and traditional centralized games that sell coins for in game items. Thanks!


Will address questions first around platform

  • We have a bifurcated product whereby one version will have web3 components and the other will only be a traditional web2 experience. With that in mind we are already approved for Steam though we will be launching on Epic as a test for our Early Access campaign
  • Access on 26th March will be free for everyone to access and play, no codes or NFTs required

Token has a few functions in the game.

  • First it needs to be spent in order to convert traditional assets into onchain assets which grants players access to our NFT gated rewards loop. The item itself doesn’t change functionally in game, though it does grant the owner access to a wider reward pool.
  • Second it will be required to support marketplace transactions in-game either directly (for web3 users) or indirectly (for web2 users). What this means is that as our marketplace transactions increase in daily volume, more and more token will be required to be spent on these transactions. This not only provides an avenue for value accrual but also disincentivizes players who try to manipulate in-game market prices due to the taxes that will be incurred.
  • The final point relates to something raise in both posts, there will be a component of governance. We want to be transparent about this and say that initially much of the game development will be centralized through the studio because there needs to be a clear driving vision to ship a cohesive game. Once the initial rails are in place, we plan to open up pockets of the game to decision making processes via a DAO-like structure. Will be doing a lot of testing and iterating thoughout this process but we do hope that eventually there will be significant parts of the game that will be entirely community driven.

Super interesting & I believe gaming is going to be a key sector that will drive adoption of web3 as a whole. While I think brand alignment is definitely there between the DAO & Nyan, what makes the team most interested in launching with LFG? Out of the value propositions you’ve outlined for the token so far, what do you feel is the most relevant & important for the DAO itself? What is the timeline for the token launch?


I think we all know that decentralized community governance is not easy to get right, and as we’ve seen in multiple cycles, not all DAOs are functional or cohesive.

We believe JUP DAO is one of the communities that are paving the way in this regard. For us, launching through LFG means that we will be able to widely distribute early tokens to a community that seems to be getting a lot of things right.

As a developer, we fully believe that players need more of a voice in the live service stage of game development. There’s been a disconnect between large AAA studios with their core audience in recent years and this is why we are seeing a lot of players become jaded and move away from beloved studios like Blizzard that have fallen from grace.

We believe that the ethos of the DAO and the experience of its members will play a significant part in our success in that regard.

Our token launch is planned for late April/early May


Very true, your timeline for token launch sounds optimal as well. I’m interested in seeing the marketplace dynamics that ensue upon launch & with integration of your in-game economy! Maybe hop in some more Solana based X spaces & really get the Solana ecosystem behind this? It sounds like a win for the Solana ecosystem as a whole


Looks great, good choice with Epic Games, a good chunk of the audience for this game is likely on Epic already!


I am a “game freak” and I like this already. Apart from waiting till the 26th to participate in the early launch what are other ways to get involved with your ecosystem?


Wow. Amazing trailer. And what an intro. Cannot believe quality of projects coming up.

So couple questions:

you will split the game into 2 channels for web2 & web3.

Is the difference only going to be the marketplace and the items? Will the players still be able to complete against each other?

Secondly. How will the community acquire more tokens in the ecosystem?

Thank you


We currently have an airdrop campaign live via our missions dashboard (you can find the official link in our twitter bio)

So far it’s been a social farming activation so there’s still probably some points you can get from that. Make sure you link your SOL wallet and Epic games account because on the 26th those missions will transition to in-game missions.

You can continue to get points for playing the game and all of these will eventually convert to $NYAN tokens which will be dropped to your connected wallet address.

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Despite the web3 items only being held on one marketplace, other elements of the game will be shared ie. matches will be held on same servers, friend groups will persist between both offers.

Community can start acquiring tokens now by participating in our airdrop campaign which will extend into our Epic Games launch on 26th.

We’ll be holding a token sale (looking at JUP LFG) for tokens to go into more community hands. And then finally tokens will be distributed as rewards from the game itself, competitions and seasonal leaderboards.

Appreciate the feedback on the trailer! We’re aiming to be not only the best shooter on web3, but also stamping our position against other web2 titles.


Fascinating ideas shared by the OP.

One question; is there any thoughts on the tokenomics yet?

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I like the vibrant colors!

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We have a whitepaper that details our tokenomics breakdown.

Due to the fact that this is a game studio with higher capital requirements, you can see a decent proportion allocated to investors, with 30% of rewards pool going to the community/players and 10% allocated to ecosystem growth.


Trying to survive among quality gamers :slight_smile:
Gameplay is good enough although its on beta phase.

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Reception since alpha launch has been amazing.

Haven’t seen this kind of feedback ever for a web3 PC title
We have both web3 and web2 players giving us great feedback, and even their viewers aren’t baulking at the fact that there are web3 elements in the game.

Our vision to onboard traditional gamers through quality gameplay and seamless onboarding is being validated through this launch so far!


as a Nyan Heroes voter in and participant in STAGE 3:ATTACK it’s great seeing you here.

I do have a complain though as its really hard to play the alpha without the ability to change control settings, I end up moving backwards most of the time and feel like a shooting target.

anyway I hope you add this soon so I can spend more time and earn more points in anticipation to your LFG sale

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