Guide to engaging on this forum for new users and projects

Hello and welcome! Thank you for joining us on this forum. :heart:

We hope that this forum serves as a high signal and thoughtful space for research and critical analysis about Jupiter initiatives, ecosystem projects, and broader decentralised meta ideas.

We moderate posts aggressively here so that important discussions can be found. To understand how post moderation works, read Post moderation for new users. Tip: Please write your draft on a separate document and save it before submission!

We are flooded by posts here especially when new LFG topics are opened and not all posts will pass moderation – please save this space for meatier conversations and bring your bullish chants to Discord and Twitter!

For projects writing LFG proposals, here’s a guide: LFG launchpad from application to launch

We hope to hear from you soon!


Thanks - I look forward to engaging!


jupiter is the most confortable planet


Wow,… i feel like im in kindergarden or something … We’re better yet. I feel like I am an exchange student. that is sitting in looking at. joining a school of technology. with very little background in technology. and trying to understand the language The school teaches in. because it is foreign to me… lol I don’t know. I just really needed to be dumbed down for me, please, and thank you I’m a crypto investor. I. want to support networks. I heard that I’m supposed to be voting in order to engage into earning more Jupiter tokens that I’ve staked. Is there like a video or something that I could please see??? Please know that I am legitimately dyslexic, so I am speaking into my computer as it types this message. and for me to retain information I’m using a speech I. app. or best for me is to watch video. Is there any links or urls or something like that for tick Tock videos to Me through so I can catch up with everyone here because Part of the community. I would like to be able to vote if there’s a matter that needs voting. And I would like to increase my wealth because my two beautiful children need to be able to have a legacy that they can grow up into. and leave behind for their children. Thank you, Kylie. Justin, aka CryptoBooth.


Here to soak up as much JUP alpha as possible… let it rain!!!


made several writeups and all saying they were under review, but got nothing posted. any help?


The first 5 posts from new users have to undergo a manual review from the moderation team. After that, your posts will show up automatically


yes subject to moderation. give it a day or two for team to respond


I know there’s a post limit for moderation, so I am just writing this to let you know I read it, and am looking forward to engaging with this community.


posted a proposal for jup a few days ago and was pending for 2/3 days and never got approval no justfication what so ever. I’m a JUP user since day one, staker in launchpad, daily perps user and so one.

any reason for my post to be censored?


Thats smart, sounds good thanks!


Hey everyone, total newb here, excited to start learning!


Welcome bro!
This site is the perfect way to make direct line of contact with the team for proposals ect.

Look forward to seeing you contribute


Welcome. Just go around, read as much resources as you can as some good people in here have littered the DAO with a lot of quality stuff. Ask questions when you are stuck. You always get some good reply always from the amazing folks in here to help. Enjoy🙌🏿