Proposal: Jupiter Online Shop

Thanks for the constructive feedback!

My cost is what it is for multiple reasons. I can definitely cut it down without an initial design approval prosess and just build and tweek on the fly. In fact, I prefer that approach. But my time is valuable so I can’t work for little to nothing.

What do you think is a more reasonable cost breakdown?

In a fair attempt to consolidate and move forward, no one ever said to cut down the costs or that your cost breakdown was unreasonable.

I think you did maybe get a wrong vibe there.

I find the costs totally reasonable for a designer. I do not want any designer to work for free.

All we were saying is that the potential revenue from such a product-line, merch-shop, brand whatever you want to call it specifically on this customer audience, does not justify such expenses.
The reality is, and I could semi prove by examples is that if we really go above and beyond and assume the cost of an Item is 50$ and the shop can sell it for 70$ which is not even a 20$ profit cause of other costs involved. The expectations in this specific community would be like 700$ month 1 then 300$ month 2 and from there only declining to an average of 100$ max a month.

Your work-prices are all fine, but the Jupiter system can not really promote spending 10x on something just for prestige when there is no expectation of value retention.


Yes, let’s start fresh. Thank you for your respectful comments.

You previously said: “The costs asked are super high and seem unreasonable.”

And now you said: “no one ever said to cut down the costs or that your cost breakdown was unreasonable” and “I find the costs totally reasonable for a designer”.

But no worries! I will go with the later comment.

And, the term “Let’s be real” is very condescending and implies that the person you are speaking to is not being truthful. It’s like a nice way to say your lying, or you don’t know what you are talking about. So I will always take offense at that term.

I updated my cost because I removed the Figma design process, which also cuts out half of the dev time.

I do know that there are members of our community/DAO who would love to have some merch. And I personally don’t think the expense is so much that we should not have a shop. The revenue, if not coming directly from shop sales, would come from other parts of the company. I believe that representing Jupiter IRL out weighs the temporary expense. Companies make investments every day, which in some cases are more like bets, lol.

So, how would you propose we handle this?

Afaik the DAO does not need to concern itself with any sort of merch or swag shop as the Jupiter team is already underway in enabling Jupiter merch.


Great! I can’t wait to get me a dad hat lol.
Can you point me in the direction of this info? Thanks!

It used to be the CWGs responsibility but has since been moved to the Jupiter team. I unfortunately don’t have any link to give you to support this statement, but it has been informed in a non-public discord channel and mentioned during CWG office hours a few weeks ago.


Gotcha. Well, I would love to be a part of it. Please reach out if I can assist.

If someone ever wanted to know what bitter salt tastes like, here is a taste.

Like Merlin explained in five different ways that the cost are not too high as a ask but are in fact too high because they can not be sustained by revenue. The flailing attempts to present this as contradictory. are just sad. And it comes from me who often disagrees with him.

@n8tr0n quotes taken in order paint a precise picture ´, he might say context matters, but the context would only make it worse. Sorry if something is bad in your life but the only one toxic here is you, No one else in any topic here flips between trying to childishly intimidate, playing the victim, gaslighting and asking others to be constructive than you. Delete the topic, get over it, move on and come back when you feel better, but do not act like that:

There are some degens here living with mom and dad and have all the time in the world to work for free. But that is not me.

My time and skills are valuable.

If you let crap sit it will get crappier.

Please stop harassing me.

I highly doubt you would speak to me the same way in person. You would likely be kinder due to my stature.

I really don’t have more time to waste in this kind of dialog.

Please stop the harassment. I joined a community that I thought was not toxic and I am realizing I was wrong.

I don’t like listening to lies over and over. This is exhausting.

Extremely relaxed over here. Clowns don’t bother me.


:laughing: Thank you, I feel fantastic! How is your day going?

Oh gosh that was entertaining. … I won’t…

How do you feel about merch? I think it would be great for Jupiter and the community.

I heard that it is on the plate, or close to being on the Jupiter team’s plate already though. Have you heard these rumblings?

well said @Foxglove . exactly what i thought


Keep thinking. It’s healthy. :+1:

My question for @n8tr0n would have been for him to walk us through the process he used to arrive at the valuation of this proposal, including the key assumptions, methodologies, and any data or metrics he considered as I don’t have any expert knowledge on this topic but pleased with your response here @Merlin-M-Ostermann which addresses my concerns.

Also I will refer @n8tr0n to take a look at how @LiamVDB who just recently presented a proposal for AIWG is responding to valid concerns and questions from participants. My hope is that you can learn something from how he’s focus on addressing genuine questions raised to demonstrate the value his WG proposal can contribute to the Jup DAO instead of being condescending to DAO members who are trying to contribute in good faith to put his proposal through the scrutiny it’s meant to go through. That’s what the DAO is here for and if you can’t function within that framework, it will be hard to see you get any proposal cross that final line of approval.


I like the idea and getting the JUP brand out there, but not sure if there is a real benefit. Most likely the people buying it would be already those in the Jupiverse. If it is me buying it and wearing it then it may not get the traction. I think giving some Jupiverse merchandise may work at big events like Solana Breakpoint or the BTC conference but running a whole store not sure of the benefit. I like getting the brand out there but not sure this would be a great way to expend the DAO’s resources.

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