Jupiter Exchange currently lacks an official Telegram group, which could be a valuable addition to the ecosystem. Telegram is widely used for crypto and blockchain communities, offering real-time engagement, accessibility, and direct interaction with users. This proposal seeks to explore the potential benefits, challenges, and structure of such a group while ensuring alignment with the Jupiter team’s vision.
Benefits of a Telegram Community
• Real-Time Communication: Unlike forums or Discord, Telegram allows for quick, fluid discussions providing it grows into a large group.
• User Engagement & Onboarding: Helps attract new users.
• Community-Driven Growth: Encourages organic discussions, idea sharing, and network effects.
• Marketing & Announcements: A direct channel for updates, news, and events.
• Support & Education: A space where new users can ask questions and get quick responses from the community.
Challenges & Considerations
• Fake Accounts & Scams: Telegram is known for bots and impersonators. Solutions include:
Strict Moderation: Manual approval or CAPTCHA-based verification for new members.
Official Verification: Pinning a message from the Jupiter team within the verification bot.
Clear Guidelines: Stating rules against spam, phishing attempts, and impersonation.
• Managing Discussions: Telegram can get chaotic without structure. Consider topic-based discussion threads.
Structure & Implementation
• Official Ownership & Administration
• Ideally, the Jupiter team should create and officially endorse the group.
• Admin roles can be delegated to trusted community members.
Potential Use Cases
• Newsfeed & Announcements – Official updates from the team and admins.
• General Discussion – Open community chat about Jupiter Exchange.
• Memes & Creative Engagement – Encouraging fun content to increase community participation.
• Giveaways & Incentives – Possibility of using a portion of Jup tokens for community rewards.
• Support & FAQs – Helping new users navigate Jupiter.
Please feel free to list your ideas for creating engagement.
Next Steps & Discussion
Before moving forward, it would be valuable to get input from the Jupiter team and community on:
1. Feasibility – Is an official Telegram group something the Jupiter team is open to supporting? Could it be implemented over the next month to a year.
2. Use Cases – What should the primary focus of the group be?
3. Moderation & Management – How should admin roles and responsibilities be structured?
4. Community Incentives – Could giveaways or other engagement strategies be implemented?
If the Jupiter team approves, we can refine the structure further and begin planning the setup. In the meantime, feedback and additional ideas are welcome!