Process Suggestion: Thumbs up / Thumbs down

Hello cats,

I saw very good question asked and never found an answer yet.

Regarding the process, how are proposals/projects selected to get from proposal stage to actual voting stage?

I’m suggesting a toll feature with thumbs up or down on the original post. if a proposal gets enough thumbs up support, it goes to the next stage.

Hope this helps


I would thumbs up this if I could :+1:


If it isn’t too easy to game it (i.e., have an account with at least 5 approved posts to vote thumbs up/down) then I like this straightforward idea too!

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I like this, bc its tough to leave feedback on posts where we have to await moderation approval. takes a lot of time


I love the up down approval vote to go to main vote,and it needs to be at least a 1/3 consensus to move into,application vote

This helps in cases such as X suspending you …or .me,limits my interactions to some uses ,so making a telegram or discord trianary to X being the go to

I too am curious about who has been making those decisions for the community and would like to see the community be a part of the proposal review process. I give this suggestion 2 :+1: :+1: up.

Likewise, it is difficult to vote here for new users on this page

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I think this is a good and valid point, it should be a bit more seemless and intuitive.

Thumbs, arrows, doots, cats, whatever-

Just give it a nice and easy to grasp intuitive way of casting community sentiment outside of more restrictive DAO esque features!

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