Jupiter DAO Microgrants Initiative


The Purpose of this Proposal is to fund a microgrants system which will serve as a fundamental step in progressing towards a Trial WG.


How does one progress from a new DAO member to a full-fledged workgroup within the JupDAO? Up until now the trial work groups were the main way for community members to participate in the system.

However, they are intensive & demanding, lasting 3-6 months and requiring a large commitment involving working in public.

In response to this, we retrospected past initiatives as case studies to develop a system where DAO members complete grants as a fundamental first step.

DAO as MMO Thesis(Optional Reading)

Success within the JupDAO mirrors the dynamics of an MMORPG. Every new DAO member starts at the “character creation” stage, akin to starting a new game. It is important to remember that, regardless of your past achievements or expertise, within the DAO you start fresh. Engage with the community, pinpoint a mission, and start your adventure. As you contribute & help others, you will accrue reputation, rewards, and skills, much like gaining experience in a game.

Advancing within JupDAO requires collaboration. In the world of MMORPGs players join guilds or factions to tackle more daunting quests. Similarly, in the Jupiverse, one must demonstrate their value through active participation and successfully completing small quests (micro-grants). Once doing so, a member may be ready to join or establish a work-group. These groups, much like guilds, require the appropriate level of experience, initiative, and knowledge to tackle significant challenges. The leader of each group should have successfully ascended the ranks by garnering good-will, feedback, and comradery from fellow community members. Together, work groups pool their skills to embark on larger, collaborative journeys.

Successful completion of a trial phase, as validated by the CWG and the team, may lead to participation in a high-level, ongoing quest. In gaming, highly skilled and hardened players tackle complex challenges that demand not only sophisticated knowledge of the mechanics of the game, but also strategic planning, cooperation, and reaction time. JWGs operate similarly, consisting of veteran crypto-workers who collaborate towards grand objectives. This stage of evolution demands remarkable initiative from all participants in addition to a fully unified vision that compliments the other JWGs and the team.

JupDAO is continuously evolving, marked by complex plot twists and challenges. High-level teams must have extreme adaptability, finesse, and a meaningful commitment to being persistently engaged and responsive. For those who navigate the trial stage effectively & efficiently, an end-game quest may appear in the form of a Jupiter Work Group. JWGs are engaged in sustained & impactful projects that define the future trajectory of the DAO: ready for activation at any moment, new quests continuously emerge & plotlines shift, pushing the boundaries of work, co-creation, and collaboration within the DAO.

Engage with the DAO as if it is a videogame that can change the world and you’ll do great.

To Summarize:

  1. Select Your Avatar: Who are you within the game? What are you good at?
  2. Level Up: Complete quests and challenges such as grants.
  3. Form a Party: Band together with your comrades
  4. Propose a Raid: Lead said group into your first big quest (Trial Work Group)
  5. Review Your Strategy: Retrospect on your successes, failures, and achievements with the community & CWG.
  6. Reach for the Infinite End-Game that is becoming a JWG, if you fall, simply rouse your crew and try again, perhaps with a different questline or party members this time.

The Grants Council:

This will be initially comprised of the CWG and Catdets. It will start with 3 CWG signers, in addition to the Catdet Working group who will be delegated 2 votes. Every 6 months the catdets will gain an additional vote, eventually outweighing the CWG.

The idea behind this is that over time the community will take over the process more and more, but initially it has adequate oversight by the CWG to provide the necessary activation energy.

The purpose of the grants council will be to determine the following:

  1. To determine if someone can proceed and execute on a proposed grant.
  2. Sharing the responsibility with the team of selecting which pre-trials can proceed to a DAO vote to become a Trial.

Ultimately the DAO is the final say in the instantiation of Trials and Workgroups. However, we do not want them to become oversaturated with votes, applications and information. Having the grants council as an initial filter will create an adequate balance, and with retrospectives built into the process the council can justify or elaborate on any decisions they make to the DAO.

During the first retrospective period, during which the grants system is re-evaluated with the community, any changes can be made to the system if desired. It is important to note that this proposal is the first step in designing a successful grants program, it is not the final product.

The Evolution Hypothesis

We believe that the effective progression system within the Jupiter DAO will fall into 3 separate stages. This hypothesis is what we will be testing with this initial proposal and action period, should it pass.

It will be re-evaluated and improved upon completion of the periods and disbursal of the grants budget.

Stage 1: Grants

1. Demonstrate Initiative: Identify a problem or develop a new initiative that aligns with the DAO’s goals or challenges. Prove you can help others.
2. Actively Engage: Participate in DAO meetings, inquire about ongoing projects, and offer assistance to fellow members.
3. Build a Network: Connect with previous grant recipients to learn from their experiences and understand the paths to success.

Considerations: Your history, CV, past deliverables, standing in the ecosystem and DAO, DAO activity, prior work in public, and commitment to the DAO.

Action Items:

  1. Read the guidelines and retrospective documents put out by the CWG
  2. Make a proposal
  3. Promote your proposal publicly and gain traction and sentiment from other $JUP holders.
  4. Formally present at a CWG office hours session.
  5. Demonstrate your ability to execute your proposal.
  6. Alternatively, answer the call to action and complete a bounty from a current WG.

Opportunity Window & Length

Time & Opportunity Indefinite: Members may propose or complete as many grants or bounties as they wish.

The ability to formally proceed is determined by the grants council.


Delivery evaluated upon completion for the grant in addition to maintenance of your Jupresearch post.

Stage 2: Trial Work Group


1. Team Composition: Form a group of at least 2 members who have completed at least 1 grant in addition to other provable work history within the DAO(be it an additional grant, a bounty, etc). Ensure the group has a solid portfolio and standing within the DAO.

2. Invitation: Receive an invitation to apply to kickstart the process from the Grant Council or the Jupiter Core Team.

3. Retrospective: Perform a retrospective on your grants process: lessons, challenges, and achievements.

4. Present & Pitch: Present your trial proposal on the CWG office hours, in addition to other places including but not limited to(the Jupiter planetary call, Jup & Juice, etc).

5. The DAO Vote: Proceed through the DAO Vote process, present your proposal to the DAO for feedback, and post the final version.

Guidelines: Follow the forthcoming trial proposal guidelines for structuring proposals and the financials within.

Action Items

  1. Ensure at least one member attends weekly CWG office hours to give updates and field questions.
  2. Continuously broadcast your efforts via the jupresearch post, attending events, public work sessions, etc
  3. Make progress towards your ‘meta goals’, making note of any executory pivots.
  4. Over-communicate at all times and become your own advocate, ensuring you develop a platform and take initiative.

Opportunity Window & Length

4-6 months

Invited by the Grants council, or Jup Core Team to progress to the DAO vote stage.

Mechanisms include the retrospective, mandatory CWG office hours attendance, maintaining Jupresearch post to demonstrate progress & deliverables, and Social Accountability.

Stage 3: Jupiter Work Group


1. Invitation: Be invited by team or grants council to make a proposal.
2. Retrospective: Conduct a full retrospective from the trial, making note of any changes in scope or direction
3. Proposal: Create a proposal utilizing the forthcoming JWG proposal guidelines, present to the CWG and team for feedback, endorsement, and review. And ensure you adequately broadcast to the community via multiple avenues(office hours, planetary call, Jup & juice, forum post, events, etc) to collect feedback before posting the final version.

Vote: Pass the community vote, engage consistently with any meaningful concerns, and add clarity and hop in voice channels as-needed.

Action Items
Broadcast: Ensure that your work group is effectively broadcasting to the DAO on all completed initiatives and calls-to-action, if necessary, create new broadcast channels.
Evolve: JWGs handle significant initiatives that have a profound impact on the DAO. This requires adaptability and a proactive approach to new information. What is relevant one week may not be relevant the next. Reference the OODA Loop model.


Opportunity Window & Length

Budgets voted upon yearly.


  1. Meow and the core team hold the authority to nuke a workgroup at any time
  2. In the case of emergency, If the CWG & Grants council votes unanimously, they can implement a pause on a workgroup until next steps are figured out with the DAO.
  3. The yearly budget & social accountability.
  4. Quarterly Reports

The Ask

To fund the initial trialing of this microgrants system, we propose a budget of $150,000 USD. This budget will be used entirely to fund grants and should last 3-6 months or until the amount is exhausted.

If we assume that the average grants will be between $2.5k-$10k in scope(with no minimum), then this would amount to a rough average of ~30 grants. This would provide us with an adequate amount of data to successfully determine with the DAO which next steps we should take.

At the conclusion of this funding round, there will be an intensive retrospective period to discuss its results with the community, and there we can either scale the system up or alter it in response to feedback & data. During this period, any changes to the system can be deliberated upon and implemented.

FAQ Section

  1. Is this a Workgroup?
    A. No, this is not a workgroup. Rather it is a microgrants system with 100% of the budget allocated for grants.

  2. What do comparable Grants systems look like on Solana in terms of their funding?
    A. It ranges widely. At the upper end you have things like the Bonk Community Fund which holds nearly $8 Million dollars in funds. More typically you have instances such as Drift or Metaplex which range between $150k-$250k.

  3. How is the money for this used? Are people getting paid to run it?
    A. The CWG and CAWG are already being paid, and already have accountability to the DAO. Neither of these groups will be receiving any pay from this proposal, as it is already part of their responsibility list. It is entirely allocated for community grants.

  4. Do these grants apply to greater Solana ecosystem initiatives or products?
    A. This initial grants round is entirely focused on internal facing grants, and bolstering the Jupiter DAO itself. At a later date in the future, we can consider external grants. But for now that is not the focus.

  5. Is there a JUP token allocation for these grants?
    A. Not at this time. Initially, the grants will be USD only.


We look forward to helping to empower the community. There are many within the DAO who are ready to get to work on behalf of the Jupiverse. And we know with the right support, that they can and will do incredible things.

We believe that this is the first step in progressive decentralization of the Jupiter DAO, and that this system with guidance, can be effective in achieving the end-goal of action-oriented decentralization. As Meow has stated, we practicalize DAO’s, not romanticize them.

Similarly to the token-list system: initially it was run by the Team, then the Team and the CWG, and currently the former groups and the community. We see this system as an inspiration for how systems can be community run over time and hope to eventually follow in those footsteps here as well.


Thank you for this work!
I think that is great for those who want to be more involved in JUP DAO.
My question is why keeping the authority to nuke a workgroup. That seems a bit against DAO.
If a workgroup is acting badly against JUP benefits, maybe that could be resolved by an urgent vote by the DAO. The core team explaining why this workgroup should be nuked?


Let me begin by thanking @slorg and your CWG team for doing this. The issue of working groups and grants have created some heated debates across Jup DAO recently. Considering how good you & your team is with attention to details, I do hope that you have been following these debates and have got a good feel of what people think. Few things that have emerged in the course of these debates are:

  • there are a lot of WG proposals emerging in the JupDAO recently but with no clear path or process to get to approval. Think this proposal you have presented to the house addresses that and hope that it will make the process more formal an easier for those who have been trying to set up one recently
  • initial working groups like CWG, UWG, CaWG, WWG, RWG etc broadly address a lot of things that emerging working groups are trying to solve. While having diverse perspectives can be beneficial for Jup DAO, without proper coordination and communication, having multiple groups work on similar problems can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for collaboration.
  • As this draft is being debated, can I please suggest the final draft highlight the need for any new working group to scan through responsibilities of the current working groups and ensure their proposal isn’t trying to address what is already being solved by already existing working groups.
  • Can the final draft also consider a path to redirect some of the new working groups or ask them to join and contribute to already existing working groups if their ideas will help to boost what the other working groups are doing creating synergy and strong outcomes instead of just forming another working group for the sake of it? My hope is that is this is all addressed at that preliminary level before being brought to the DAO for vote, it will help making it a less lengthy process to get the votes through and more so give any new group a better chance to be approved.
  • Finally, I will like to suggest that once this final draft is approved for WG approval proposal, proposals for new working groups should only be posted to the DAO when it’s cleared all the steps you outlined above & ready for vote.
    You and your CWG are doing a fab job. We are grateful for it.

It seems okay, but if it gonna be the same people cleaning up all the bounties are will it truely be compromised of cadets who have been putting on hard work?


I also had a furrowed brow initial read of Accountability point 1, but then I thought the same thing you mentioned - if a workgroup is acting badly against JUP benefits, we need to be able to nuke it immediately in order to avoid further damage. I think Meow or a member of the core team having that authority would allow for that, and I also trust it wouldn’t be used lightly, especially since I would fully expect the DAO to hold them accountable for that decision. An emergency/urgent vote could take too long, and make matters worse, I fear. Just my two cents.


How does one become a Catdet?


This will be initially comprised of the CWG and Catdets. It will start with 3 CWG signers, in addition to the Catdet Working group who will be delegated 2 votes. Every 6 months the catdets will gain an additional vote, eventually outweighing the CWG.

I think this is a great starting size for the council, and also appreciate the thought that the council will grow alongside hopefully the growth of Trial WGs and JWGs.
Apologies if I missed it, but will a simple majority vote from the council be enough for something to be approved? That was my assumption, but I don’t remember seeing it. It would be good to be explicit on this point, and also on how to deal with potential ties (when the council has even numbers).

Besides that very specific point, I didn’t have much to add. I think this is a good initiative, and will help provide each of the CAT principles, especially Transparency, to a currently less clear process.
I really liked the MMO analogy in the optional reading. Made me smile reflecting on my own journey, and also wonder where I am now.
I also think the 15-30 sample size is a good and reasonable target, so would be supportive of the proposed budget, expecting each proposal to have the $5-10k budget (on average). I also note that it seems the CWG and CaWG (as well as the Jup & Juice crew) will be taking on the council roles and vetting tasks as part of their existing duties, and that you are not asking for any budget for more salaries, and only to support the grants themselves. I thank you all for this, since there is already a lot going on. :heart_hands:
Looking forward to the vote.


Good initiative by team , i am up with the proposal


I very like this approach since it:

  • potentially discovers new talents

  • encourages active participation / involvement in JUP DAO

  • gives the ability to rank yourself up

Q: Since each grant will be $5k-$10k, will the grant be released to the one that executed it only upon a completed initiative/project (we would not want to fund things not being delivered)?


I understand, that is the democratic dilemna.
I am very trustfull with meow and the core team that is very involved and doing a wonderful job!
I said that with the principle that what the DAO voted to create, it must be consulted when it is nuked.
Maybe it could be good to define what nuke means exactly for the WG. I mean, the image is pretty clear, but what are the concretes consequences of that? Cuting funds? Cuting privileges (do WG have privileges)?
Then the process could be an immediate action by meow and the team and then a vote by the DAO to confirm or unfirm this decision.


Engage wiht community, be helpful in discord, stay active, Push CAT principles


Having a read of it however, id like to think im a helpful member, but im not sure how any of my skills i possess could help me be apart of this WG (ID love to trust me)

@Slorg could you give some examples on how a Cadet could be apart of this WG?


First, loved the MMORPG analogy!

Second, what would be the process for sourcing the bounties?

Third, where (if anywhere) are you getting the data from that points that 15-30 grants would be a good enough sample?

Loving the ethos of experimentation.


I completely agree with you. It’s interesting how favoritism can subtly influence decisions, even when things are presented as being open and fair. It’s almost like there’s an unspoken rulebook that everyone follows, but no one admits to. Reality often has a way of being more complex than it appears on the surface, doesn’t it?

I would have not dared to put it as brutally blunt as you did, wanting to avoid raised eyebrows, but it is what it is. I also do not make it about me personally, as I am not never was aiming for any bounties, let alone put forward any big proposals. I just see in general that things are pretty much played in different classes, and some users proposals with a lot of thought behind them, easily get waived.

Maybe I am a little cynical as I see it more on the side about the proposals put to vote or the Jupiter LFG proposals. Because on the one side they play it as being rather transparent while not really defining the rules of the games or KPI’s, and if put to the test the answers are at best… evasive. The decision what makes it or not into the voting rounds is a bit obfuscate on purpose and left to “arbitrary judging metrics” of evaluating how something resonates with the community and “fits into Jupiter”. While if you compare things by any tangible metrics of engagement, suddenly some pop up in front-line and are pushed to production.

There are a lot things that happen not on Jupresearch but also not on the Jupiter Discord, they happen where no one sees it in public and hands are dealt. Does not help much to look past the 70% repetative generic comments that flood a topic then from first time created accounts with no history in Jupresearch and no activity past that “to the moon” comment.

I think compositions on rounds should be justified and reasoned with, because some of it is sketchy to say the least. If all would be treated the same way, how come some projects struggle with zero feedback while others are elevated into the discussion with no real tangible history of them struggling too?

Same goes WG proposals, in the end it is the same people over all, or someone coming from left field with a slingshot. I really hope there is more to be had in the longer run, and would be refreshing to actually see the team also engage and comment in topics, be it user proposals in General, LFG Introductions or wild things in Community - And not just route it out disclosed areas. Sure one might say it is about neutrality and staying impartial, but hey, it comes across like ignoring things. Especially when random things suddenly pop up with full support and back-wind.

Maybe I am a bit cynical and and harsh, but hey I am not trying to forward and agenda or fling dirt, it genuinely feels like that from the sidelines sometimes.


100% Strong and vocal agreement! MAU MAU


I might be mistaken, but I do think this is one of the considerations that the grants council will manage.


You proved already that you have the skills to do so, I mean I engage also quite often, but you (and @Mbolorman) go both out of your way to actually make content in density and angle of proposals. I just like to chime in and give my take or play devils advocate every now and then, but in the end I am confident that you both would come up with WG proposals that could redefine that genre if put to the test.

I will be there hurling cat-memes from the sideline on my hillarious days or give a nasty take if I did not have my coffee. If I am balanced and made my quota on a day I will coincidentally maybe say something constructive, but that is it.


Also how will the CWG & CAWG in particular reach consensus on using these voting powers that will be granted now and as it increases? Will there be some internal deliberations for example within the catdets WG to reach an agreement on how to cast the vote or are there already individuals identified within the CAWG for example who will just vote for or against in that initial phase of the process? How do we ensure that process is inclusive enough at the preliminary level so that the outcome is not largely swayed by entities within it with considerable power & influence?


This is awesome news, cant wait :muscle:t5::muscle:t5: