Introduce here - jupresearch meet & greet

Hey fam,

Welcome to the tavern, we’re excited to have you here.

This is your space to introduce yourself and meet people.

Drop an intro below

The doors are always open.


Hey fam, I am Merlin, the last bastion and final “you shall not pass” of that not all Crypto are memecoins. Utility and real-world-usecase is King. Hence DePIN is Emperor. Crypto related hardware for 12 years, mining, nodes, IoT, DePIN you name it. Currently hosting over 2000 devices across Germany, and hav 92 in my own home. I will not get 2000 likes on dramatically saying fuck often and middlefingers on screenshots, but on the flipside I will debate with reason. And focus on real topics instead of artificial engagement. Shots fired, and you know what I mean.

I also love renewable energy stuff, solar panels, vertical windturbines, the whole sh’bang. My house has a defense mechanism, and that is called high density EM field. I love it.

J&J is close to my heart, like the hotspotty guys! JUP & JUICE are doing the real work in the trenches, fighting and uphill battle with not airstrike support. Follow, Like, Retweet, Subscribe, Comment and whatever else on anything they do.

I also love boomer cringe and write poems everywhere in Jupresearch:

In the crypto world, I stand tall and proud,
Defending DePIN, screaming it loud.
While memecoins dance and NFTs boast,
It’s real-world utility that I toast.

Memecoins, they fizzle, a flash in the pan,
But I’m here for the tech, man with a plan.
NFTs, they shout with their pixel parade,
But I’m backing the green, where futures are made.

While memecoins giggle, riding the hype,
DePIN is my fortress, my ultimate type.
I trade in substance, in value that stays,
Not chasing rainbows in blockchain’s maze.

With renewable power, we light up the night,
DePIN stands strong, a beacon of light.
Memecoins may trend, NFTs may sway,
But it’s utility and purpose that pave the way.

So here’s to the future, grounded and true,
With DePIN and real-world, we’re breaking through.
Let memes and pixels have their day,
We’re changing the world in a practical way!

Of course I also love dad jokes and will be relentless on arguments in every debate, trust me I AM FUN at parties.



I’m Lochie. Not Loo-chi, not LOW-CHI, rather lock-key (Lochie).

You may know me from jup research, the “stay hard goggins addict” in discord or maybe just seen me around.

I started in crypto through NFTs on Eth blockchain of December 2020.
My first nft I minted 3 of them. Mint was 0.3 eth each. Two days post mint floor price was 4ETH each!! Obv I didn’t sell and fumbled bc I thought this was normal given I was brand new to crypto.

I sold them for 0.5eth each so made a small profit, however, then the LUNA crash happened and in terms of $ I made a pretty decent loss.

Still to this day I haven’t converted a cent in crypto to fiat, as I learnt about the 4 year bull market trend.

In 2021 after flipping nfta for small profits and losses, I moved to Solana. boight Tripping Ape Tribe got like 60 sol and never sold it. Huge loss again lol.

After a few years of accumulating all when it was around $20-30 I kept spending my sol. I didn’t anything besides have $SOL in my wallet.

I learnt how to do raffles of famous fox federation and BOY OH BOY did I make some profit.

My all time high in sol (in NFT floor price) was 750 sol I probs bought 300 of that so doubled.
However I got addicted to raffling and maxed out 3 degod raffles when degods were 300-400 sol. Lost 200 + sol right there. But slowly climbed back.

I was a Hiest whale (nft) had 45 when FP was 25 sol each. I was making 6-10 sol a day selling $NANA and $COCO. I ran the numbers in my head and was like “cool if I do this for 365 days I’ll be rich!” .

Obv this was short lived as nft crash came when sol pumped to $80.

After this, I had spent over 45k on sol and crypto and had a solid 6k left. This was roughly 12 months ago. I was at a low and had no hope. Then JUP came to the rescue. Idk how but I must have had decent dex volume through jup so I got 3200 $JUP.

I told myself “yeah I’m gonna dump it right away it’s free money! I knew nothing about Jupiter really.

I ended up staking it, learning about jupuary. I’m so glad I did. I’ve still never sold the airdrop to this day and I’m so proud it’s been locked up since.

During this period I spent another 20k of my savings on crypto at $80. It’s pumped to $160 and I was stoked!

At this time $PORTAL token was trending over twitter so I farmed that best I could day in day out! From the twitter engagement I got 500 $PORTAL which I could claim 15% upon TGE. They also had a pre sale 5-6 months prior. I got my boss at work to buy it too. I spent 55 sol on pre sale tokens, however things turned quickly. Portal X account was milking tweets and never announced TGE…. Not until 5 months later! I felt super bad bc I got my boss to spend 10 sol on it too! We thought we got rugged.

However the token got announced as a BINANCE launch and my world turned upside down. Pre sale price was $4. Upon launch I managed to sell 15% of my token (rest was vested for 12 months) at TGE when the price was $3.30 . I spent $1000 of my own money on eth gas, but instantly had 4 eth in my wallet which I instantly bridged to sol.

The rest is still u locking however the price of portal is roughly $0.3-0.4 fluctuating. I’ve still made profit over.

With this $SOL I bought more jup to increase my staking to 5k from 3200.

Then sanctum happened: I engaged with their community and got a whopping 25k $CLOUD! I instantly sold it for USDC and bought 11k worth of $JUP.

I now had 17k ish jup staked: I love sanctum and all but loved jup more . Don’t get me wrong I still have $cloud left from DLMM pool and love the price pump! I could have had 50k $cloud if I kept vesting it but I wanted more and more $JUP.

So just like that. 6k and jup I managed to score another 10k. Getting close to a break even.

Since then, I’ve been accumulating my ASR and spent a lot more time in JUP discord: I have made 50-60 + friends in there already. YES… friends ! :pleading_face::green_heart:

As some of you knows last Friday I put like 80% of my sol portfolio into memecoins and leveraged them through drift. I made 10k and cashed I it after advice from the DAO. I was so happy.

Price on mem coins dipped so I reinvested all that money. I was up another 10k but never cashed, price then dipped and I was close to being liquidated! So I added the last of my sol the fund the leverage.

As of the most recent Friday I managed to turn 30k worth of tokens into 59k! I set limits orders to it would sell at 60k! That’s the crazy thing!!! It hit 59.9k and I just missed out on my sell off! My portfolio went to 54k the next day and I was like “well it will come. Back to 60k in a day or two.

HERE IS WHERE I MADE THE DUMBEST DECISION IF MY LIFE. I shorted moodeng, left for kickboxing and checked it when I was driving home. My portfolio when to 25k and I thought it was a glitch until I got a message saying “ADD FUNDS YOU ARE BEING LIQUIDATED!”.

Fucking Moodeng had just been listed on Binance and had pumped 150% in a minute. I quickly closed all my perps and was down to 14k left by the time my order was fulfilled. I had to pull over. My car as I had lost basically MY ENTIRE LIFE SAVINGS.

I was so fucken hurt so I went to jup discord where 10-15 cadets support me. I am incredible grateful for the PPP nature of jup.

I wanna shout out @JD-SOL84 who had been like a father to me, he felt my pain and he assured me everything will be okay.

Chad sent me $110 usd to go buy myself dinner! He nearly brought me to tears .

@10q organised with the raffle dao over at famous foxes to get me 3.3 sol worth of fees I forgot to claim. He went out of his way to do this! He is so fkn kind, this deserves to make him cadet.

There is 10-15 other people who I already appreciated in discord and so so so many more. I love you guys, you basically saved my life.

So here to am today with 14k worked or JUPSOL in my wallet $110usdc and my 19k $JUP staked.

I have fucked up so bad. But I have two options:

A) Whine like a little bitch and play victim!
B) be grateful for what I have!

I chose B.

Here’s the thing, some people are having bombs to their house in war torn countries, some people don’t know if they are gonna eat today and a lot of people do not have the PRIVILEGE of being able to be involved in crypto.

So I decided to focus on the positives. I brainstormed and here’s what I came up with:

“It hurts.

But I need to stay fucking strong

It could be worst.

I could have ZERO.

I’m gonna focus on the positives::

  1. I have youqr guys support
  2. You guys have my back
  3. I still have 14k worth of sol left.
  4. I still have 19k jup staked
  5. Jupuary may reverse this fuck up.
  6. Some people don’t even have food on their plate today and I’m complaining about crypto“

If you read that all wow! I am incredibly grateful for you.

As I wrote that I’ve been on the stair master for 46 minutes so far, with sweat dripping on my phone and I have to keep wiping my screen.

That’s most of my story. I still have so much to tell. But this is my life in crypto so far.

Life can turn around in two seconds.

So I want to leave you with this message.

EXPECT. Nothing.

APPRECIATE everything.

Thank you.


JUP IS HOME. JUP IS FAMILY :green_heart:

Soon I will also tell my story.


Takes a lot of courage to openly share failures. Glad you have also highlighted many successes here too! In a weird way it’s a privilege to fail…and come out on the other side.

You’ve got a heart of gold! Having these setbacks really helps zero in on the importance of your community. You’re a pillar in JUP, inspiring many others to be as active as you.

Thanks for sharing, JUP is still home🚀


Lochie mah man, we really appreciate you cause ur real…real with us and with this special community from jup. really enjoyed to read this even if I did it with some pain in my heart, cause you didnt deserved this shitty scenario at all…I already knew what have u gone through these days but still read it. What I know for sure is that you will get throughout this and become more stronger and more pragmatic in your decisions when it comes to these kinda situations. We send you all the love lochie and keep carrying those boats and logs man! :metal::rocket::hugs::mechanical_arm:


Hey Lock-Key :laughing:

Appreciate you sharing your story - I have a very similar and painful story which I won’t go into, but relate a lot to what you’re saying, and also that I still have some hope as the only stupid thing I didn’t do with my Crypto was selling Jup. I have staked it since the beginning and have been getting ASR rewards - I am hopeful that at the end of the cycle JUP could mitigate some of the enormous mistakes I made from this cycle.

This kind of stories are scarily common in crypto. It’s so easy to make life changing money and even easier to lose it.


Thanks lochie. Lesson learned hard way, you will hit portfolio ATH soon, I m sure! You have many friends in web3 and we are all ready to help as we can :heart:


Thank you so much for your kind words. It means a lot


Pressure makes diamonds.

Hardship calluses or mind.

Pain makes us stronger.

Thank you for sharing. I truely love the JUP PPP community and dunno what I’d do without you.


The universe has a plan for us my friend. We need to remind ourselves that we are exactly where we are meant to be.

Even if it’s negative, the universe is putting us in this position bc it knows we are tough mother fuckers who can push through it.

That’s why we have been singled out to this setback in life.

Keep on pushing my bro! Thanks for reading.


Well. I am Raul Javier (RJ) and this is my story. :memo:

I’m doing this because my friend @lochie2001 inspired me.
We already know how the crypto world works where apparently we are people behind screens where we don’t like to show ourselves as we are for fear although it is respectable. I started researching about the CRYPTO world around 2018 when ETH was around 100$ & BTC at 5000$ I was commenting it with my coworkers that crypto was going to be a revolution but the age difference between me and my coworkers was too much around 30 years old so they always warned me and said the same thing “THAT IS A SCAM” “THEY WILL STEAL YOUR MONEY” I listened to them and didn’t follow my instincts…I was only 18 years old at the time. I let myself go by the experience of other people but I kept informing myself from the outside. It was about 2 years before the C0VID came along.

You know we spent a lot of time at home which made me only focus on the things I wanted without listening to anyone, I met someone let’s call him “JONH” who talked to me and warned me about NFTs. “JONH” talked to me every day and told me what he wanted and was going to do, he told me about the memes coins about the famous SHIBA & DOGE and his first investments. I was happy for him but I could not or would not invest my first $$$$ because I have always been a young man who was afraid of losing money.

I have been afraid of losing money because at home I was always told that money was earned by working.
I lived with my mother (divorced) and was abused by my father, where she always got money by cleaning other people’s houses, now you can understand why I was afraid… money was sacred in my house and at that time we only had my income and my mother’s. I come from a Spanish family, unstructured, I lived in a shitty neighborhood and where the last time I saw my father was in jail. (5 years ago) before knowing this world (INVESTMENTS & CRYPTO) you can imagine how I got my money. (Work was not enough.) Let’s go back to what is important. I was happy for “JOHN” because he always showed me his investments and he always did well. We stopped talking for a while because there was a war inside me that I didn’t really like this at all… I didn’t really know anyone, only people behind screens then… I didn’t trust anyone… until one day he wrote to me to tell me something that I WILL NEVER FORGET “We haven’t talked in a while but I just want to tell you to buy this shit” some MONKEYS that were worth around 200-300 dollars you know what monkeys he’s talking about…“BORED APE” I didn’t answer that message and I continued with my life until November 2021 when suddenly everything exploded. I kept seeing things on the news related to crypto, shiba, and NFTs. It was the first time I experienced FOMO without knowing what it meant. I started researching on YouTube about NFTs and I found out about Solana through some very famous YouTubers in Spain and Latin America “WILLYREX AND SALOMUNDO” they were going to make their NFT collection… among all the fomo and anxiety of years of repression for wanting to invest and not being able to… I sold a PS4 that I had to be able to buy that collection. Yes I did. Why Solana? Because it was and is cheap. I couldn’t afford to get into ETH it was too late and everything was too expensive for me. In fact, I still don’t have any ETH and my metamask has spiders inside. I felt like Solana was the people’s crypto and I feel that way. On my initial trip with Solana I saw collections of hundreds and thousands of $. I met Boryoku Dragonz, SBM, Degerenate Ape, some sharks and much more. I didn’t have the money for this but I was looking forward to the mint of these influencers.
Well to sum up, here I met an incredible community in golems, everything seemed to be going well, I even started making money, I couldn’t believe it. With $250, I made 18k in less than 8 months. From one collection I jumped to another and everything seemed to be going well until suddenly a RED BALLOON appeared, if you are an OG you know what I’m talking about

it began to dismantle a lot of collections and people from the Solana world, then the OSO (OKAY BEAR) appeared, blah blah blah, I got scared, everything was going down very fast, I had never had so much money and I had been watching my money fall and fall for a long time, it was not invested in anything, I only had sol in my phamton until September 2023.
I exchanged 523 SOL to usdc and then withdrew that money. (the worst decision of my life) :broken_heart:

With 18k I gave half to my mom, bought myself a (cheap) car and paid for a better laptop (I still have it) I left this world. I continued with my life and my work. “JOHN” made 3 million dollars in that cycle, the guy who warned me about everything currently lives in Dubai and is dedicated to business, I had no more contact with him, I just kept seeing him but without talking to him. My life was normal, I didn’t look at crypto nor was I interested. Until one day while organizing my room I found a notebook. There I had everything I did related to crypto… I read it all and got excited again… I decided to open my wallet and found that I had been chosen for JUPITER. I had heard Jupiter on my way in Solana but I didn’t pay attention to it because I didn’t want to move my money for fear of losing more. I think I unconsciously increased volume and received 3200 JUP that I didn’t claim until APRIL 2024. Yes, I missed the first 3 votes.

I currently have contacts with some friends I made in the GOLEM community who were the ones who informed me about Jupiter DAO, the voting and the community. The journey is getting interesting… I hadn’t felt this since my first community in crypto. Once inside Jupiter I realized that I can develop my best personal skills, which is to help others. I know what it’s like to suffer and what it’s like to lose everything several times. All of this is a brief summary. Here inside Jupiter I feel that I can help others and be myself. I’m not a technician in anything, I don’t have any studies, I don’t even know how to speak English. All of this is translated, every word is translated with Google, that’s why I don’t participate in some calls where something is specifically talked about, I just feel that this is where I have to be. Little by little I have been growing thanks to the DAO and Sactum where it helped me take the biggest leap to increase all my JUP. Currently I don’t have anything other than JUP in my wallet. In fact, I only have $9 to make transactions. everything is in the DAO everything is JUP for me now.

I believe that everything happens for a reason and I already know the reason why I am here.
Help others, motivate the little ones, even though I’m still small…but I feel big here inside.
If you’ve made it this far, which I doubt. Thank you for reading me. Thank you for your time.
If you feel like you’re small, you’re not. Keep fighting until you reach your goals.
If you’re afraid, it’s normal, it’s part of the path… losing and winning is part of the process. Listen to @meow

"fear is the most primal emotion.
Don’t be afraid of it.
Feel it, use it, leverage it.
And who knows?
You might find yourself in it.

JUP IS MY HOME. JUP IS MY FAMILY. Thanks to the team for making it possible and thanks to the community for everything so far. :green_heart:

You always have to be thankful for one more day.


Wow @RJMG thats was en excellent read. Thank you for having the courage to share about your personal life. It really shows we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. I’ll share more about my personal life probably post jupuary. (I don’t want to play victim and beg for jup so I’ll wait until after).

Whilst it may seem like you failed, you did something you should be proud of YOU TOOK PROFITS.

You took 18k to support yourself and your mother. If you are ever fearful remind yourself and say it again and again


That’s something I never have the privilege of saying.

Bro I’m so fucken proud of you for sharing, like you and many other cadets you are like a brother to me. I see you show up every day.

It’s crazy and interesting to also read how everyone eventually made their way to jup. Everyone has their own story.



The universe had the planed for us. Trust me, the universe wanted us to experience the hardship because if we didn’t experience that we would NEVER HAVE KNOWN EACH OTHER.

I’m rooting for you and many other my bro!


JUP is the way. we already know it. I will be waiting for your story brother. :green_heart: :green_heart:


Thank you so much for sharing this, RJ! It was a roller coaster of a read, but I loved the ending - JUP is home. JUP is family. :heart:
It’s been really great getting to know you better the last few months, brother, and I hope we are both part of this community for many, many more years to come. Onwards and upwards my friend. :rocket:


Thank you for your words and your time to read friend. Jup is the right way, I hope to be here much longer. :green_heart:


I have read alot of mind blowing stuff, jupiverse community is awesome.


Hi, I’m miuq but I’m also many other identities in this space. I’ve been in crypto since 2016-2017. I did all the newbie mistakes on my 1st cycle but I learnt from them. I’ve also been working in this space since 2018. Due to the intensive and long involvement I feel like I’ve seen it all. I’m not a trader but I consider myself as a reasonably successful investor. I’m big on JUP and I’ve been actively following and participating, mainly here.


Good MEOWning fellow Cadets!

I may have the smallest stake here (only 56 J.U.P) but I do know that the Jupiverse has helped me grow a lot on my crypto journey and I have been here for a while though inactive at the beginning, I am now a full supporter of the mission. I actively check in and make sure I don’t miss votes. Though I still am learning… the knowledge Jupiter has given me and the intense thirst for more is only surpassed by my ambitious hopes that J.U.P will be the best at everything crypto has and will become. Thanks everyone and enjoy


Hello brother.

Thank you for confine in me, I am always here to help. I know this learning experience hurt, but will make you wiser and you will be able to guide others better. I have heard that “Smart men learn from their mistakes, but only wise men learn from those of other’s”.

We are smart and learned from our mistakes, but it could help some wise people, not to fall on those mistakes themselves. We gor your 6, bro. Keep moving forward. :heart: :ringer_planet: