GUM Introduction: ecoToken

Introducing ecoToken

The On-chain Real-world environmental impact made easy.

ecoToken’s cross-chain communication protocol allows any ecological credit (Carbon, Biodiversity, Water), whether on or off-chain, to be aggregated and sold on Solana.

Our platform enables environmental credit registries to offer their carbon credits that represent high-quality real-world environmental impact, scaling planetary action and integrating anywhere with the highest levels of blockchain verification. Additionally, ecoLedger can accept any SPL token on the Jupiter strict allowlist, offering seamless integration into any DApp that wants to incorporate or offer users environmental impact. Users receive NFT Impact Verification with complete transparency, directly linking to the source of the credit.

About Us

Key team members:

  • James Bettauer (CEO-Founder): Twitter
  • Alex Paredes (CTO- Full Stack Web3 Developer): Twitter

Project socials:

Founded in early 2022, ecoToken’s main focus is on changing the economics of environmental impact. The team has launched multiple real-world pilot projects around water treatment, helped Solana become carbon neutral fully on-chain, and introduced a comprehensive cross-chain communication protocol in early 2024. Alex has over 15 years of experience leading web application development in both the private and public sectors, specializing in crafting scalable software solutions. James has been involved in environmental initiatives in the water space for nearly a decade and has a background in business management and professional athletics.

GUM, Jupiter Ecosystem, and you

How does ecoToken fit into GUM:
GUM aims to bring the world onto Solana and index every asset. ecoToken’s ecoLedger achieves this by aggregating and making available any environmental credits directly on Solana. The carbon credit industry, valued at $450 billion and is estimated to continue growing at 30% per year, requires the openness, verifiability, and traceability that blockchain technology provides.

Partners and collaborative efforts:
ecoToken has partnered with Regen Network, a supplier of ecological assets, to promote bottom-up, decentralized credit issuance. This approach empowers local environmental action and rewards positive change. The current barrier to entry to the climate market is high, but blockchain technology can lower this barrier. ecoToken has been collaborating with Regen Network for years to integrate these credits into the blockchain ecosystem. Additionally, ecoToken works with various teams to meet specific credit demands of buyers and applications, focusing on this mission. ecoToken has also collaborated extensively with the Solana Foundation and the Regenerative Finance (ReFi) Solana community.

Our Vision

We built ecoToken initially to solve one key problem: aligning economic incentives with environmental impacts. There are many impact-positive projects ready to come online if there is demand for their environmental credits. By making it economically beneficial for individuals and businesses to purchase these credits, we can create a positive impact loop leading to global change. For this to be possible, we need complete transparency and trust in the ecological assets being produced, which led to the creation of ecoLedger. ecoLedger ensures that credits can move freely across chains and applications while maintaining full transparency and authenticity.

We believe that blockchain, and specifically Solana, are perfect for buyers to realize this economic benefit because of the involved communities. Businesses, applications, and games can integrate ecological assets for free and gain valuable marketing by being displayed on our leaderboard and competing with other applications. Individuals can also compete against each other and receive NFT Impact Certificates, which will forever be a part of their digital identity. This presents a significant potential for airdrops targeting environmental impactors and positive contributors.

Our leaderboards also serve as a way for individuals and applications to promote Solana as a leader in sustainability, actively competing against other chains.

There are plenty of case studies to show sustainability can be profitable. Implementing carbon offset purchase options can significantly enhance various e-commerce metrics. Many businesses have reported increased cart conversion rates, higher average order values, and improved customer loyalty and retention after integrating carbon offsetting features. Additionally, companies have found that offering these options can strengthen brand reputation and customer satisfaction. Utilizing climate APIs, some businesses have reported up to a 40X return on investment, demonstrating the substantial financial and environmental benefits of such initiatives.

Contributing to the future of web3:

If ecoToken achieves its goal of changing the economics of environmental action, it can fundamentally change the world. Making positive change profitable can make web3 responsible for healing the planet, countering claims that blockchains harm the environment. This could lead to government acceptance of free and open blockchain systems.

Upcoming plans:

ecoToken plans to increase the adoption of Solana integrations and launch a campaign where communities can compete through leaderboards. The goal is to integrate an offset widget or split payment into DeFi, games, and payment platforms on Solana.

More information

Website: ecoToken
Docs: ecoLedger Documentation
Twitter: @ecoToken
Discord: ecoToken Discord


Solana JUP Impact Smart Contract: GitHub - ecoWarriors/ecoToken-SPL-Integration: Solana Smart Contract that converts Meme Tokens into Positive Impact for the planet

ecoToken Leaderboard: Leaderboards | ecoToken Leaderboards

Maximize Market Research Report

Grand View Research



Curious about further developments here, as someone with 260.000 watts solar power, 32.000 watts wind power, 4800 Trees planted and currently 340 tons annual carbon offset, I am highly interested in on chain solutions.

If this is based on leaderboards, will there be also widgets or code-snippets to display commitments or ranking on others, or more specifically my website if I contribute?


Hi Merlin,

First of all, amazing work you are doing!

For the leaderboards you would have a profile page that displayed everything. We haven’t yet standardized a badge or widget that can be exported to the profile owners website but we will work on that shortly and shouldn’t be too difficult to implement.

It would be great to connect and discuss further.


Sure any time, Linkedin in profile, but can also offer Discord, Twitter, Telegram I do all and connect everywhere-

That being said, about such a code snippet or widget to display such data it is really not so much about looking fancy, just something that displays the numbers and updates them (so there would be no need to do that manually.)


Great, I have reached out. Look forward to connecting.


Love the introduction to the project! Seems like a win-win for eco-conscious projects! The fact that it is compatible with any SPL token on Jupiter’s allowlist should get the dApps to integrate with the project ASAP.

Looking forward to what is coming up next from your project. :white_check_mark:


Thank you, saw it and accepted, will write once I am back home.


This idea is amazing!

Real World Things but tokenized.

So your platform allows swapping for any strict-list token on Jupiter into your EcoNFT?

This is very in line with our goal of pushing the scope of crypto, and i love the github name “converts meme tokens into positive impact for the planet” lol.

Have you made a Twitter post for this? would love to RT from JupiterExchange’s account and let more folks read about it!


Thank you!
Yes any token on the strict-list can be put directly towards offsetting carbon with an NFT Impact Certificate as proof of impact.
I’m glad this is in line with Jupiters goals. It would be amazing to see the Solana community get behind some environmental initiatives.
We will be announcing the strict-list feature next week, a RT would be very helpful thank you, it would be much appreciated!