This is the most concise description of what we will be voting on this month. I felt it was helpful enough to create a post. so many people in varying roles that I feel are spreading misinformation around this topic. not necessarily with the intention of misinforming others, there is just more passion centered around this proposal. I feel it it’s important to directly address something stated in this thread
A: stakers who use the platform will be eligible for jupuary
B: the vote will encompass not just the upcoming jupuary, but the one following it as well. 2 birds, one vote. highly economical imho given the frenzy induced into the community over the last few weeks
with all of the discourse surrounding this topic. it feels very important to me that the current state of the thing needs be explained to anybody who is unaware of how JUP dao mechanics work. so much is predicated on an understanding of JUP’s history to date, but also acknowledging that the team is trying to move in a forward direction. thus previous criteria may be of little or no use in trying to ascertain what the future of jupuary will look like.
the thread sites comments in discord directly from our fearless leader. 0 hearsay. No fluff or emotionally driven opinions. just facts, no cap.
I felt this would be useful in allowing the conversation maybe to shift to other areas of the jupaverse given the vote is not scheduled for another 2 weeks. check in with your family. call your parents. btc is at ath, there is talk of a strategic national reserve of crypto. I can safely say that everything still feels early.