The breakdown of Jupiter whole ecosystem has been breakdown into tue simplest part which makes it understandable by anyone new to the ecosystem.
Highly useful insight
Wow thanks for this very comprehensive post i really so appreciate it:pray:
I love the expression it’s very educative and lucrative. Happy to read such article
I love this write up, well articulated.
Wondering how’s it that I’m just getting onboarded
I hope a majority of users take the time to read this. While we all have a touch of degeneracy, I believe that utilizing this site should be coupled with a sense of “professionalism” in the way we speak and act on here. Conveying our points and ideas in a clear, and concise manner. Great post, @Miir !
Just read through, quite useful info.
Comments also helpful
Thanks, glad to be here.
This site is phenomenal, design, UI and all.
Great to be part of this journey
Been postponing joining for a while, just visiting and off.
I see i’ve been missing out, hope not much.
Good to be here finally
Welcome and take a good look around the DAO. A lot of good stuff going on. Have fun.
This is a very responsive site. Good job to the dev
Good to be here mate
The breakdown steps are good and understandable for a first time user experience