Question in regard to Jupuary conditions

I have a nagging question regarding @meow’s essay, particularly the part where it states: ‘There will be a special threshold of 70% voting “Yes” for this vote. The threshold is high because we need to unify the community, and we will iterate on the proposal until we reach a result that we can agree with.’

What happens if a whale, holding 31% of JUP, doesn’t vote at all? This could occur for several reasons: they might be too busy, not following Jupiter’s updates (tweets, essays, etc.), or simply adopting a ‘stake-and-forget’ mindset—potentially based on successful strategies they’ve used with other coins.

If such a scenario arises and the 70% threshold isn’t met after multiple rounds, would it make sense to consider a different condition? For example: Only distribute the airdrop to those who have participated in at least 70% of governance votes.

This could incentivize engagement from the community while addressing the potential roadblock posed by non-participating major holders.

I’d love to hear insights from the Jupiter team or anyone else on whether this approach could help balance inclusivity with the goal of unifying the community. Thanks!

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so the 70% threshold isnt 70% of total supply, rather 70% of those who voted.

i.e. if the proposal only has 10 votes, 7 of those must be in favour.

not 70% of supply, or 70% of total jup staked


To add to that you just need >=30% to have voted and out of that >=70% for it to pass

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I don’t think anybody holds 31% of staked JUP… and if they did, they won’t be too busy to vote… highly unlikely scenario.

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