Jupuary Round 2: Conflict of Interest Among JUP Stakers

This may be one of the most important decisions of the future of Jupiter as @meow stated himself in the last Planetary call. This forum gives me the opportunity to potentially have some positive influence and contribute to the debate. I hope that this is something that every Jupiter and JUP community member aspires.

I started by simply addressing the fears about Jupuary causing sell-offs but it turned into drafting a community-refined proposal that is balanced, inclusive and comprehensive. It also provides a great level of JUP distribution and decentralisation. I love a good debate and am still following up on the replies now.

Like yourself, I’m not working at MacDonalds so I do have quite some time on my hands. You never know what good can come out of something when you just focus on adding value, putting effort into something and going the extra mile.