Jupiter airdrop round 2 inspired from (jupwhale)

What is the reason you called this ‘‘balanced final’’? What is final is not decided by a single community member but by the team and the community as a whole.

It appears that our other community-refined proposal is much more balanced, inclusive and comprehensive. It also provides a greater level of distribution and decentralisation.

Our proposal includes DAO / JUP Stakers, Community contributors, New Feature Users, Perpetual Traders, JLP holders, $10M+ tier, $1M - $10M tier, $100K - $1M tier, $10K - $100K tier, $1K - $10K tier and $100+ users.

This ‘balanced final’ proposal doesn’t include the following users and stakeholders:

  • Community contributors (eg. Discord, Workgroups, Forums, Promotors etc.)
  • New Feature Users (Any user who traded JUP, JLP, JupSOL and/or who used new Jupiter features like DCA, DVA, Ape, Perps)
  • Perpetual Traders
  • JLP holders
  • 3,885,443 users with $100+ volume

Also, you are 300 Million over budget for round 2, unless we use 1.05B for round 2 and 1.05B for round 3 and we skip round 4. This I would also support - but then I would also add another 350 Million JUP to our allocation proposal :slight_smile:

In my opinion it doesn’t make sense why tier 5 would get only 45M JUP while tier 3 and tier 2 would get 275M JUP and 200M JUP respectively. That’s out of balance all together.

The tiers we suggested are much more in balance where the tiers you’re suggesting here are heavily biased towards the higher volume tiers.

Our tiers provide an more equal 100M JUP for the $1K - $10K tier, 100M JUP for the $10K - $100K tier, and a combined 110M JUP for the $100K - $1M tier & $10M+ tier, with an additional 40M JUP covering every user in every tier with a $100+ minimum.

Our proposal as referred to: