70% allocation towards swap is actually needed and also acceptable. But it needs to be much more properly distributed than in this proposal.
It appears that our community-refined proposal is much more balanced, inclusive and comprehensive. It also provides a greater level of distribution and decentralisation.
Trading volume and user count / onboarding is and will always be the most important metric for any cryptocurrency exchange; centralised or decentralised.
Most trading happens on the swap function and through API’s. Proper volume tiers help identify which users are more valuable and contribute more to the trading volume. It would be irrational to remove an adjusted volume-based allocation all together.
Our latest proposal entails:
- 35% (250M) to New Jupiter Features & Community Allocations 250M JUP
- 65% (450M) to Adjusted Volume-Based allocations 450M JUP (with deduplication)
Adjusted Volume-Based allocations represent the largest group of 3,885,443 Jupiter users with $100+ volume who contribute a combined ~ $333 Billion USD trading volume.
That’s not really the case with the following in place:
$100 minimum volume requirement used to reduce the general user base from ~ 15.25 Million wallets to ~ 3.9 Million users. This effectively weeds out around ~ 11.36 Million low quality spam users / bots and airdrop farmers. No allocation for wallets with < $100 volume. Further deduplication may also need to be performed.‘’
The below proposal for Adjusted Volume-Based allocations 450M JUP with deduplication, there will not be a further concentration of supply.
It also helps in rewarding 3,885,443 new $100+ volume users exploring the ecosystem for the first time.